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Comments (10)

Lachino - 29 August 17:51

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Goessl - 23 September 17:38

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Jorge - 21 August 04:44

Racism prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior. the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.

Wilber - 2 July 04:46

My Italian wife is shy and conservative. goes to church every Sunday. Well I give her an amazing life style. She looks like George Clooney's wife. So one Friday night I got her drinking and invited my black buddy over. He has a 12 inch cock. Tina took it in her ass and begged for more. She wants more black lovers now.

Fil - 10 November 07:02

I don't really stand what this comment is for,but hopefully someone will reply

Gregoria - 8 April 19:49

I completely agree. There's a fine line between having a type and discriminating against someone (whether people are aware of it or not because of their race, and I think a lot of the time people cross that line. Basically we all need to expose ourselves to more different kinds of people because it's easy to discriminate when we don't have that exposure to educate ourselves.
