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Comments (9)

Susana - 7 September 09:39

Coince inviter photos, aucun n’osera, craignons. Ici rien penser, besoin simplement rencontre et profiter de l’ambiance, plaisir je garantis!

Trumbauer - 13 July 06:06

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Mineau - 11 July 20:37

The point is that there is more than one way to compromise and not only a single solution that equals both people not getting what they want. You can still tie someone and video tape them, and do them in the missionary position in the dark. The point is that compromises do exists where both parties can get what they want.

Elias - 8 March 18:20

I'd love to fill that luscious cunt with hot spunk, assuming that there was enough in my balls to do it!

Toby - 16 October 19:30

I wish they would have gotten him to stand up just so I could see his body. Honestly from what they showed he's a pretty good looking guy and I would have never guessed that he was born a woman.

Franch - 4 November 03:50

Nice view
