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Comments (8)

Matuska - 15 July 08:34

Souhaiter heureux passer temps societe magnifique beaute. Je suis heureux de pret vous aider bien passer du temps.

Allyn - 4 October 09:34

Pour passer directement à la section qui vous intéresse, cliquez sur les liens ci-dessous :.

Weldon - 28 January 09:34

YUM: Did that taste good GIRL

Hank - 1 June 21:19

OK people, let's set the record straight now, since there is a lot of ignorance and illiteracy out there!
There are a few vids of her out there, she most definitely IS a she!
She's obviously a "Hirsute" and has a sweet huge clit!
"Hirsute" is a genetic condition which mostly affects women. Women with the genetic disorder always have much larger female parts (tits, nipples, clits, pussies, anuses, etc.) and tend to be a bit meaty or chubby and almost always have a bit deeper voice, larger facial features, very large saggy boobs, big aureola's, big fat long nipples, fat long clits, big hairy pussies, big hairy anuses, big hairy legs, big hairy bellies and sometimes even chest and facial hair. It IS a rare, but natural condition.
You've just been schooled by "Professor-69" and his assistant "38C"! Your welcome! :)

Bleecker - 26 March 19:03

My college made all the freshmen listen to a seminar about this. It was also the alcohol seminar. It's almost as if they don't trust college students. (<-humor)

Kesselring - 2 September 04:48

I learned about the Comstock laws in one of my Gender Studies classes in college. Interesting to note: as the years passed, these laws were used less and less against heterosexual vice and more against material with homosexual themes or content.
