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Comments (6)

Hanna - 17 April 22:39


Sandy - 27 March 11:15

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Frank - 2 March 10:23

As someone who has loved and supported your channel for years, I am so extremely disheartened and disappointed that you would equate kinksters with queerness. Please do not lump us with them, it only further harms the LGBTQ2PIA community.

Castiglia - 11 January 15:02

WTF is with those nipples

Elias - 16 June 14:15

I love big bbobs

Meyer - 27 May 18:33

Also.what is ciss? Seriously apart from your videos theres not really anywhere that i know to go looking to learn morr about gender identity.

Laurence - 9 June 03:19

She has another video. Name begins with. My brunette girlfriend gives me blowjob. My big dick barely fits in her mouth and when I am ready to shoot cum she approaches her pretty face closer to my rod.
