Fille sex Bishwiller

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Comments (2)

Nobuko - 29 September 04:17

Suavite, aime caresser son corps. Viens, caresse ma chatte alone, mais l’un comme triste.

Alexander - 30 March 20:38

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Schweer - 2 April 14:19

Fear of overstepping the mark and involving myself in someone's personal business where they didn't want help.

Kelley - 24 March 22:49

3:07 oh. well, a girl in my class did this at me in 8th grade, had no idea what it ment. but now i know. i guess she was lesbian then, and i dident get the hint one bit xD

Leino - 20 July 16:05

I can't remember where I read it, but I do remember it seemed to be a reputable source for information, and it said that pregnancy is 100 impossible without penis-in-vagina sex. I know this is incorrect, but is it particularly harmful misinformation?

Ernest - 27 June 18:47

Mama Doe is such a cutie! My mum works in a sexual health clinic as a receptionist and I want to be a sexual health nurse so we probably have similar conversations!
